Mar 26, 2022
'Hey guys! So today I’m showing you this video where I starved for one week! But I didn’t record all at once, for example, some parts of the video I recorded it in one day, other part in another day, and like that, then I joined them and made one video. I hope you enjoy my tummy growls! I was thinking of starving for two weeks, but at day 7, I couldn’t go on, my stomach was hurting too much! I had to eat something. Next time I’m gonna try to starve for two weeks! Leave a like and subscribe! Also, comment the experiences you had like at school, at work, or at other places that your stomach growled very loud and the place was silent XD (it always happens to me)! Idk, just comment your hunger experiences! So guys I hope I didn’t starve for nothing, so please comment, like, and subscribe! Enjoy my tummy growls! And thanks for 100+ subs!!'See also: